
Open Studio on May 20th

Please join me on May 20th for an Open Studio with Libby Wadsworth.

I will be exhibiting some of the cyanotypes I did while the Artist in Residence for Joshua Tree National Park. The palimpsestic paintings that started as Cyanotypes and Van Dyke Brown Types I did while in residence at the Djerassi Resident Artist Program and in the hall I will have some photographs I took while at my Italian residency at the Collegium Phaenomenologicum last summer. 


Cittá Di Castello Artist In Residence

I'm really pleased to announce that this summer I will have the honor of being an Artist in Residence at the Collegeum Phaenomenologium in Cittá di Castello, Italy. The Collegeum is an international gathering of continental philosophy that takes place in Italy every summer for three weeks. This year the theme is  “Embodying Temporalities: Deep Time, Genealogy, Exile.” In addition to studio work and taking part in the evening discussions, I will mount an exhibition of my work and will be meeting with people at the Alberto Burri Foundation and Museum in hopes of developing a lasting relationship between the conference and the foundation. I am thrilled that my work with temporality and the horizontal line will be viewed by so many scholars and know that I will return enriched. 
